Common Mistakes when Ordering SolarNets
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There are just a few things that are commonly overlooked or misinterpreted when specifying SolarNets equipment:
Solar Panel Dimensions
It must be correct. If not, the net will be too large, and hang loosely, or the net will be too small, and not completely cover the solar modules. Note, larger is not better! The net supports are attached to the modules.
Net color
It must be selected as White or Black.
Corner supports
These are required for all solar module array corners, as indicated by the green boxes below.
Side Net Supports
It should be included at every 6 ft. along the outside perimeter. The side supports must be placed where two solar modules meet, as indicated by the red boxes above. Note, there are typically even numbers of side net supports.
Chain Tensioners
These are typically used on two sides of the net perimeter. There will normally be one chain tensioner for each two supports.