Selecting The Right Support Type
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SolarNets supports hold the nets taut and elevated above the solar modules. The tension enables nets to dissipate the energy of falling objects before they impact the solar modules.
Supports come in two types, those that attach to solar modules and those secured in place by roof attachment.
SMARTMOUNT, Direct attach solar supports attach directly to the frame of the solar modules. The frames are very strong, and insertion of two self-tapping screws does not effect the performance of the solar modules. SMARTMOUNT-T supports for Tesla-Zep modules attach with T-bolts, avoiding the need to drill holes in the module frames.
Standard net support height is 18". Shorter 12" supports are also available.

Roof mounted supports require additional roof penetrations, but enable larger nets to be installed with more overlap of solar modules. 3-Point Supports are roof attach supports. These supports require roof attachments according to the type of roof covering, be it composition shingles or concrete tiles. Standard three-point net support height is 24" tall. Shorter 12" version is also available.

For composition roof surfaces, roof jacks with micro-flashings or Universal RoofJacks offer the most flexibility.

Carport installations require a larger net support bracket. Below is an example of a 24" frame-attached Carport Support Bracket. This support bolts to the underlying frame of the carport, and extends out beyond the borders of the solar modules.