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Home-built DIY Net versus SolarNets

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Las Vegas home with creative chicken wire

The big question is "how to add nets to protect solar". Despite the best efforts of homeowners, it is difficult to assemble a durable protective cover for solar modules.  One of the biggest challenges is determining the best way to support the net.

DIY Fish net after 10 years.jpg
10yr old fish net supplied by a creative solar installer

Low loss net for solar and solar net supports should provide the following:

1) Minimal shade on the solar modules to ensure lowest solar loss caused by net.  This maintains the highest possible energy production  from the solar system.

2) Durable construction is needed in the golf barrier net to ensure resistance to wind and and weather.

3) The solar panel net must be easily removable when  servicing and cleaning  of solar modules. The brackets for net support must include a method for easy removal of nets.

4) Must be visually acceptable to ensure HOA approval of solar net and minimize neighbor complaints.

DIY net for protecting solar panels
Hawaii homeowner ran afoul HOA guidlines

Very importantly, the protective nets must be designed for  safe installation, without requiring stepping on solar modules during the installation process.  Most homeowners find the idea of getting on the roof and performing construction is simply too risky.  

SolarNets is one of the best providers of nets to protect solar.  SolarNets installers can assist to install the best protective golf nets for solar.



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